
An Interview with Paris-based costume and floral designer Dandara Tatiré


Tell us a bit about yourself and where you came from.

My name is Dandara, I am Brazilian and have lived in Argentina for the last 10 years, then Switzerland, and now I am based in Paris. I am a costume designer and since last year, I have been working on projects as a floral designer. 

Where's your focus at the moment?

Studying more about botany and taking the time to let my creativity flow.

Where does your inspiration come from?

My inspiration comes from nature in a very free form, both abstract and unconscious. I find it fascinating to observe flowers as they grow. They are something we can enjoy for a very short period of time. Unlike all of us and everything else we encounter throughout our existence, that makes them so poetic and inspiring.

We love your incredible floral arrangements, have you been making them for a long time? Tell us a bit about how you began to create them?

I have always loved plants since I was little, my family always cultivated flowers and plants even having a small garden in the south of Brazil. I first started making floral arrangements during the pandemic lockdown in a small village in western France.

During this period I tried to create floral arrangements almost every day, it was like therapy in such difficult times. So I would say that one of my rituals is to make floral arrangements and take care of my plants.

What was the best piece of advice you have been given? 

Trusting life.

What are you listening to? Can you recommend one or a few albums that you enjoy listening to?

My music preferences are not very current, I am in love with soul, funk and jazz. Lately I have been listening to the album Tropeau Bleu by a French band called Cortex. It is a mix of bossa nova and funk... very inspiring.
